markets as on: 10-03-2017 16:00 hours

SENSEX 28,946.23 17.10 USD 66.60 0.11
NIFTY 8,934.55 7.55 EUR 70.70 0.12
BSE-100 9,208.05 0.46 GBP 80.91 0.30

This calculator will calculate the interest on your Fixed Deposits compounded on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly basis.

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Fixed Deposit (FD) Interest Calculator

  • % Per Annum

Fixed deposit (FD) is a traditional and great way to earn more interest on one's savings than a regular savings account. Our Fixed Deposit (FD) Calculator helps you calculate the amount of interest you can earn on an FD. It also calculates the total value of your principal amount on maturity. You have the option to choose the compounding of interest on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly basis and know the result.